Source code for wingcommander.util

__all__ = ["gen_prompt", "is_iterable", "run", "watch", "tablize",
           "gen_completion", "alias", "smartparse"]

def gen_prompt(cmd_):
    tree = []
    cmd = cmd_.parent

    while cmd:
        cmd = cmd.parent

    return ':'.join(tree) + "> "

def is_iterable(o):
        return isinstance(o, basestring)
    except NameError:
        return isinstance(o, str)

def run(cmdr):
    import sys
    args = sys.argv

    if args[0].startswith("python"):
        args = args[1:]

    if len(args) > 1:
        return cmdr.onecmd(' '.join(args[1:]))
        return cmdr.cmdloop()

[docs]def watch(func, wait=1): ''' Behaves like the ``watch`` command from unix command line. Will refresh the terminal stdout area at a specific interval with the output from a defined function. This can be used to regularly show output from an external source and provide a realtime updating text area that will resize with the data to display. Can be stopped with user input from stdin. :param func: function that is to be generating the output to be displayed. The output is whatever the function returns on each execution. :param wait: amount of time to sleep between executions of the function in order to update the display Usage: :: from wingcommander.util import watch def print_file(): contents = None with open('data', 'r') as f: contents = f.readlines() f.close() return contents watch(print_file, 0.5) ''' import sys import time import thread longest = 0 def input_listener(): from getpass import getpass from os import devnull getpass('', open(devnull, "w")) thread.interrupt_main() thread.start_new_thread(input_listener, ()) try: while True: if longest > 0: # ANSI goes up n lines at start sys.stdout.write("\033[2K\033[F" * (longest)) else: # clear line, move to start sys.stdout.write("\033[2K\033[0G") output = func() if isinstance(output, str): output = output.split('\n') if len(output) < longest: output += [''] * (longest - len(output)) longest = len(output) sys.stdout.write('\n'.join(output)) sys.stdout.write('\n') time.sleep(wait) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): return
from wingcommander.util.tablize import tablize from wingcommander.util.completion import gen_completion from wingcommander.util.smartparse import alias, smartparse
